Latest report
Support of the Ukrainian military
2 July 2024
Report for June 2024

It’s time to summarize our expenses for June.In June, we spent UAH 509,109 to help our military, for: We are

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All reports

Support of the Ukrainian military
31 May 2024
Report for May 2024

We have summarized the results of May’s help from the Dopomogator Foundation. In the last month of spring, the foundation

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Support of the Ukrainian military
2 May 2024
Report for April 2024

In April, our foundation’s activities were focused on repairing and preparing vehicles for new missions to the war zone. Additionally,

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Support of the Ukrainian military
2 April 2024
Report for March 2024

In March, the Dopomogator Foundation focused its attention on repairing and renewing parts of vehicles and ambulances (which we had

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Support of the Ukrainian military
1 March 2024
Report for February 2024

The last month of winter turned out to be quite difficult for Ukrainian defenders. Our foundation tried to help and

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Support of the Ukrainian military
3 February 2024
Report for January 2024

We started the new 2024 year by supporting Ukrainian military. In January, our foundation Dopomogator spent UAH 636,196 to help

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Regenerate Ukrainians
Support of the Ukrainian military
22 January 2024
Report for 2023

2023 was a difficult year for all Ukrainians, as it was the 2nd year of the war against the Russian

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