New PhilTechDrive initiative has been launched

1 December 2018

We have always believed that charity should be rational. In the long term, this approach allows solving most of the social problems in the country much faster.

In addition, we were constantly thinking about more efficient ways to use our experience and knowledge in IT. Information technology has been making our lives better, faster and easier for many years.

PhilTechDrive is an initiative that was born precisely at the intersection of three phenomena: charity, entrepreneurship and technology. One of the goals of the PhilTechDrive Assistant project is to build and support the development of the social entrepreneurship community in Ukraine, in particular the philtech community.

PhillTech (technologies for philanthropy) is a new approach that provides an effective, technological solution to socio-economic problems.

The global philtech community is in its infancy, but growing rapidly. It unites organizations that inextricably link the maximization of the public good with the profitability of their projects. It’s time to get involved!

If you are an ideologue of a social enterprise or a bearer of an idea for its creation, write to us at We will consider the possibility of financial support for your project.